Methodology in Research Paper

Hello once again ladies and gents, big welcome back to my blog! 

So sorry for last week, I was in a rush and I didn't give a very good welcome back as I made the article and posted it so close to the deadline. That's where it all began! and for today, I hope you're all feel excellent and keep the spirit always on your hold. Cheers!

Just little bit informations, I have no idea whether it's a big deal or not :). I and my some other friends, we're almost towards the half semester for the first part of the semesters in this year. I know I just couldn't imagine how fast time has flew. Like so quick till I need to realize that I will be 21 years old just for about 2 weeks to come. Yup, I was born about 2 decade ago and I feel still so weird to realized it. It's not because refuting to be called that I am old (I mean 21yo is not even that old) but turning 21 years old is more highly challenging, my mind rushes with obstacles head since the stereotype of being 21 shouted that you are adult, more organized and having a good manner, whereas I believe that number is just a number, everything goes depend on each individual. Thus far, I'm so blessed and thankful to God for all the gifts, I couldn't even put into words how to express gratitude for every magical moment through my life, except I keep my self always on your path and be nice to other people. So, whatever age I turn every year I'm so grateful and I'll never stop wishing to be a better person.

Seems like I have to much talks, just let's get to the deep point of this post.

Today's post I'm going to carry on with talking about Methodology as a part of "Research Paper". It's still related to what I've been stated on my 2 previous post. Just like I told you before that currently posts will be often about an International Journal/Research, reviewed it and share you a little bit explanation of some its parts.

Methodology in Research paper:
Methodology is the systematic, theoretic analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoritical analysis of the body of the methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques (Wikipedia)

Research methodology refers the discussion regarding the specific method chosen and represents the technical steps involved in conducting the research.
In more details, in this part the authors outlines the research strategy, the research method, the research approach, the methods of data collection, the selection of the sample, the research process, the type of data analysis, the ethical considerations and the research limitation of the project.

Here are the characteristics of Research Methodology according to John Martin, PhD Expert:

A strong research happens to be the backbone of a good study that enables the research an in-depth understanding of the field as well as validate the hypothesis generated. An authentic research is backed by the following six characters which are:
Empirical - The research should be conducted using proper scientific methods and procedures. Its accuracy must be tested through direct observation and experience from the researcher.
Reability - The research must produce replicable data each time it is tested. It is reliable if the results are repeated each time it is tested in a similar sample using similar procedures.
Validity - It must be possible to define the instruments and validate their credibility on how accurate are the conclusions, propositions, and assumptions.
Creadibility - The source chosen for the research should be authentic. This includes the use of primary data generated from first-hand sources backed by accurate references instead of second-hand sources that is subject to manipulations by humans.
Accuracy - Each research processes including instruments, tools, observation must be related to each other. Thus, it is necessary to select the best possible tool that will improve the accuracy of the research.
Systematic - The research must be conducted in an organized, methodical and systematic manner without biases following the entire process properly. This includes testing the procedures periodically ensuring it support the research generated.

Moreover, the methodology in research paper procedure should cover 5W 1H.


Here is the methodology in research paper exemplary: 

(A methodology of an international journal that I've been stating. Thus, for some of you who looking up regarding to where I have started it you can scroll and look down below this post to know more about the content of the previous part of this journal)

Here's the brief description of that Journal:

In this research methodology, the researcher used a mixed-method approach in order to answer the research questions to approach the study.

But what is mixed methods?
Mixed methods research is a procedure for collecting, analyzing and mixing both quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study or a series of studies to understand a research problem. -Creswell & Plano Clark (2011)

The following explanation of:
 - Quantitative method is a way of collecting numerical research or data which then can be converted into usable statistics.
- Qualitative method is used to gain deeper understanding of the subject. It helps to develop ideas and hypothesis, used to uncover trends in thoughts and opinion.

 Some ways for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data:

The participants in the study were 50 Saudi female intermediate level students studying English in the English language Institute (ELI) at the King Abdul Aziz University. The participants aged between 18 and 21 years old. Two female EFL teachers participated in the study. Two classrooms in the ELI were utilised for the purpose of the study with 25 students in each class. The present study employed a convenience sampling method to select participants (as the way for collecting quantitative data), which entails “drawing samples that are both easily accessible and willing to participate in a study” (Teddlie & Yu, 2007, p. 78).

The study employed a 5-point Likert Scale questionnaire to find out to what extent the students believed watching movies could help them improve their language skills. The researcher also conducted semi-structured interviews (as the way for collecting qualitative data) with a set of open-ended questions that examined both the students’ and the teachers’ perceptions towards the integration of movies in their classrooms to improve students’ language skills. In addition, teachers were required to write reflective journals about this experience and think critically of their classes when they used movies as a method of teaching (this also as the way for collecting qualitative data).

 Moreover, the following research questions guided the research process are:
1). What are the students' perceptions towards the integration of movies in their classrooms to improve their language skills?
2). What are the teachers' perceptions towards the integration of movies in their classrooms to improve the students' language skills?

The situation while students are having language learning through movie

Students in this study devoted thirty minutes of their four-hour English class to conduct the movie activity over a period of six weeks. They watched four movies throughout that period. The integration of movies in the classrooms was conducted following the steps suggested by Seferlogu (2008) for using feature films in language classes: 

Previewing activities: At the beginning of the activity, students engaged in some warm-up previewing activities such as guessing the topic of the movie from its title and some pictures, some questions to activate their background knowledge and schemata.

For example the teachers ask student to guess the topic by the title:

T: here I have a movie to show you called "The Pursuit of Happyness", Can you guess what it is movie would talk about?
S: (some students would probably answer) it would probably talk about someone who is finding happiness or looking for to be success.

Also, teachers give some picture to give to the students for guessing the topic.

Scenes of "The Pursuit of Happiness" movie in 2006

Students were also provided with some key vocabulary and potentially difficult expressions to facilitate their understanding of the movie scenes. According to Author (2008), activating students’ background knowledge and schemata can greatly improves their retrieval and retention of information as it brings it to awareness as well as facilitates their learning of the new vocabulary and enhance their motivation to learn the target language.

Viewing movie segments: In the current study, the short sequence approach was adopted instead of viewing the whole movie. The students watched the movie clips in their classroom which had a computer with a DVD drive and a data projector.

Viewing worksheets: Students were provided with worksheets that drew their attention to particular details in the movie and required them to answer very short questions.

Vocabulary and pronunciation notebooks: Throughout the six weeks, students were required to keep a vocabulary and pronunciation notebook in which they noted down all the new vocabulary and phrases learned. The students’ task was to filter through all the newly heard/learnt vocabulary and specify where they came across the word.

Moreover, students do some movie summaries: The students were asked to write one short review for any of the movies they watched throughout the module. They were provided with a set of guidelines that helped them in the process of writing the review. Their reviews included a short summary of the movie, their reactions to the theme, the characters and the audio and visual imagery in the film, and how they were emotionally touched by the movie. Students were provided with some specific questions such as:

Did you learn anything from the film?
• What was it?
• Write a few sentences about your opinion of the movie and what you took away from watching it!
• What did you like best about the movie?
•What did you like least about the movie and why?

Group work & a role- play: in this activity students were responsible for preparing a movie role-play in a group of four to six members; they selected and memorized a scene of the movie to role-play in class. In the role-play, group members were required to work in collaboration and that each had an equal share. The instructors demonstrated one movie segment to the class in order to model the activity, and then the students worked in groups where they prepared and acted out the movie scenes throughout the six weeks.

After doing the process of the research for all six week long, time for researcher to give the main questions to find out the result of the study to the 50 students of ELI. Questionnaires were administered to them to investigate their perceptions towards the integration of English movies in their classes to improve their language skills. Moreover, the questions that researcher constructed were:

1. Do you think watching movies in English has a beneficial effect on improving your English language skills?
2. Are you interested in learning English and participating in classroom discussions if the teacher uses movies as teaching materials?
3. Do you think watching movies in the classroom makes it easier for you to learn English?
4. Do you agree that watching movies motivates you to learn English?
5. Does the integration of movies in the EFL classroom decrease your anxiety and tension in language learning?
6. Do you agree that movies can help in improving your vocabulary acquisition?
7. Do you think your English teacher should use more movie viewing activities in the classroom to help you improve your language skills?

Those seven questions constructed use Like Scale method which indicated the students to choose among Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree option for each question.

The Results

Questions Precentage answered :

Q1 :  Do you think watching movies in English has a beneficial effect on improving your English language skills? 
Question                       Precentage Answered 
Strongly agree                  68%
Agree                              20%
Neutral                            4%
 Disagree                         8%
Strongly Disagree             0%

Q2 : Are you interested in learning English and participating in classroom discussions if the teacher uses movies as teaching materials?
 Question                       Precentage Answered 
Strongly agree                  68%
Agree                              20%
Neutral                            4%
Disagree                          8%
Strongly Disagree             0%
 Q3 : Do you think watching movies in the classroom makes it easier for you to learn English?
Question                       Precentage Answered 
Strongly agree                  68%
Agree                              20%
Neutral                            4%
Disagree                          8%
Strongly Disagree             0%
 Q4 : Do you agree that watching movies motivates you to learn English?
Question                       Precentage Answered 
Strongly agree                 68%
Agree                             20%
Neutral                           4%
Disagree                         8%
Strongly Disagree            0%
 Q5 : Does the integration of movies in the EFL classroom decrease your anxiety and tension in language learning?
Question                       Precentage Answered 
Strongly agree                  68%
Agree                              20%
Neutral                            4% 
Disagree                          8%
Strongly Disagree             0%
 Q6 : Do you agree that movies can help in improving your vocabulary acquisition?
Question                       Precentage Answered 
Strongly agree                  68%
Agree                              20%
Neutral                            4%
 Disagree                         8%
Strongly Disagree             0%
Q7 : Do you think your English teacher should use more movie viewing activities in the classroom to help you improve your language skills?
Question                       Precentage Answered 
Strongly agree                  68%
Agree                              20%
Neutral                            4%
 Disagree                         8%
Strongly Disagree             0%

Table 1. Numbers in precentages*

A descriptive statistical analysis of the answers given by the students revealed that on a general level, students considered the integration of movies in the classroom as effective. The majority of the participants found movies to be useful in developing their language skills as well as keep them interested. Sixty-eight percent of the students strongly agreed that films in English could facilitate the learning of the English language. More than half of the participants agreed that they are more motivated and interested in learning English if their teachers use films in the classrooms. Approximately eighty percent of the students agreed to the statement that the use of movies in their lessons reduced their anxiety in learning English. Eighty percent of them also agreed that movies can help improve their vocabulary acquisition. Eighty-eight percent of the participants believed that their EFL teachers should integrate more movie viewing activities in their classrooms to help them improve their language skills.

The Students’ Interviews
The interviews were analyzed to complement the results of the questionnaires. Eight participants were interviewed after the viewing sessions. All the students agreed that the use of films provided an authentic and meaningful context for them to learn English. As they watched the movies with plenty of conversations between native speakers, they felt a need to learn to speak English naturally and fluently in order to communicate with others. Two of the participants commented,
S1:“I think movies help a lot in learning English, especially with speaking and listening. They provide us with more opportunities to hear native speaking of English and learn how they interact in normal conversations….”
S3:“…we can learn then how to use English more fluently in our daily lives and be more engaged when communicating with people.”

The participants also reported that movies reduced their language anxiety and increased their confidence in speaking English after listening and being exposed to the authentic language used in the film. They mentioned that they have learned some slang words and phrases, which rarely appear in their textbook. Three students mentioned,
S1:“…..there was a group discussion about the characters and the events of the movie; this can help us in practicing our oral skills…”
S4:“…watching movies can develop our speaking skills…..we heard the native speakers’ accent and may be this can help us to pronounce and communicate in a better way”
S6:“Listening and watching the characters in the movie talking can help us improve our speaking skills…, movies can teach us the real English, we can learn some slang words and phrases and use them in conversation.”

The interviews have indicated that movies are very motivating for EFL learners. The participants in the current study found themselves more involved in the English classes with the use of films and they were more willing to interact in English. Three participants commented,
S2:“The lessons are boring with only textbook and worksheets; we like to learn English by watching films in class.”
S4:“…movies make learning English more fun. Discussing with others can allow us to share ideas of the movie, so we can learn from each other.”
S8:“I think using movies in class is a good way to learn English, it helps us to concentrate more and be interested in the lesson.”

Participants in the study expressed their desire to have movies used regularly in their English classes. This is a clear indication that the integration of movies was intrinsically motivating in the participants’ learning process. Two participants mentioned,
S5:“I like to learn English in this way…I hope we can have the chance to watch movies and discuss them in the class in the future.”
S8:“…..With movies, learning can be fun. We were interested and more engaged in the lesson. I hope we can have more movies in the English class”

Students found films more related to their daily lives, as opposed to their textbook. They explained that the movies and the follow-up activities were perfectly planned and useful. Three students commented,
S2:“The activities and the notebook helped me remember the meanings of words better.”
S6:“I really think this method is useful, and the activities helped me a lot to understand the movie.”
S7:“…..the movie The Devil Wears Prada helped me to write my assignment about describing a family member. It can also help me in the Speaking Assessment.”

The majority of the participants welcomed the idea of the use of movies in their lessons. They found that movies are useful for vocabulary learning and acquisition. Two students mentioned,
S3:“This is a great way to enrich our vocabulary through the dialogue in the movie. Movies make me remember the new words so quickly than the reading circles and textbooks; we can use this vocabulary in writing and speaking.”
S5:“By watching The Life of Pi, I learned some new vocabulary and phrases that I can use in daily dialogues.”

The Teacher’s Interviews and Reflective Journals
An analysis of the interviews conducted with the teachers as well as the reflective journals submitted showed that using movies is a good resource for improving students’ language skills.
T2“Movies are a good resource in the English language classroom… It is interesting for the students and… can raise their awareness to how people interact in naturally occurring conversations”
T1“Using movies in the classroom can significantly promote and foster learning as they cater for diverse learning styles and intelligences… movies offer great authentic materials, they expose students to real language… students can learn how people interact in the real world and in everyday situations… they arouse students’ emotions, enrich vocabulary acquisition, and motivate them to learn”

They agreed that it was not a waste of time to integrate movies in their classrooms. They believe that movies can help improve students’ language skills, vocabulary, grammar, fluency and pronunciation in the English language.
They used movies in the classrooms to conduct written activities such as fill in the blanks, summary writing as well as oral activities such as group discussions, film presentations, or role-plays. Teachers in the current study believe that movies should be integrated in the syllabus design and used in the classroom. They also felt that movies helped the students learn about the culture and use of language in daily interaction. The drawback they mentioned was that finding movies that are suitable is important but difficult to do. Choosing appropriate movies is essential to achieve the set goals.
T2 “I use movies to engage them in class discussions, to help them learn new words, as well as to get them to do written and oral activities… students are more motivated when the assignments are based on movies…”
T1 “They were so interactive and willing to express their opinions, they also learned a wide range of vocabulary and phrases… practiced using some grammatical rules … primary objective of using movies was to reinforce specific units in their textbook… active in class and responded very well to the activities”
T2“…..they were actively involved in meaningful discussions… stimulated their thinking and imaginations… movies helped the students learn about the culture of the people of the target language and learned how they interact in daily life.”

Overall, the findings show that integrating movies in the EFL classroom is an effective pedagogical tool which can help students improve their language skills in terms of their speaking skills, fluency, listening skills, vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation, interactions skills, and colloquial slang. In addition, the findings also indicate that using movies in EFL classrooms can promote learning-oriented interaction, engagement among students, and active learning environment.

If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done


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